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As an update, JBE One has issued a Freedom of Information Act request to the CCSD Transportation Department and will be receiving the bus contract with CCSD Mt. Pleasant school for review.  The communications from the Head of CCSD Transportation division told us they are making decisions on bus schedules and routes based on ridership data the bus company and bus drivers provides to them.  Are the bus companies dictating bus schedules to CCSD and the parents based on their profitability requirements? We will be digging in to understand the details.  

To create change, we importantly need to have our own data from parents about their driving or bus riding.  In the next week’s newsletter, we will be sending out a survey to all parents about their bus or car preferences and what changes would YOU make if bus locations or schedules were closer to you, picked up later or if the school started class 30 minutes later, how would this affect you?    Armed with this data plus an understanding of the bus contract (and incentives), we will sit down with the head of CCSD Transportation to find solutions that will allow later pick-up times, less drop-off congestion, and better communication when CCSD makes decisions that affect parents and their children. 
